Mothers and babies urgently need your help
Childbirth should be a time of joy and happiness. But in many parts of the world, it’s a time of risk and fear.
Women and their babies continue to die due to complications before, during and after childbirth. Many of these deaths occur in low- and middle-income countries. Most are preventable.
In Uganda, where we have worked since 1998, the statistics are particularly worrying. Progress is flatlining.
We’ve pioneered a model – AdaraNewborn – for increasing survival rates for the sickest and smallest newborns and their mothers to meet Sustainable Development Goal targets.
Please stand with us to scale this model across 10 health facilities in Uganda to halve maternal and newborn deaths and stillbirths. Then, join us as we share our knowledge and experience so other countries can adapt and adopt this model.
The Adara businesses fund all our core support, administration and emergency project costs. This means 100% of your donation goes directly to our project work.
Why Uganda and why now?
1. Newborn disorders are the leading cause of death in Uganda, across all ages.
2. Uganda has the fourth highest number of stillbirths and maternal and newborn deaths in East Africa.
3. Uganda has the second highest birth rate and fifth highest fertility rate in East Africa.
We urgently need your support to turn the tide in maternal and newborn survival in Uganda and beyond. Our ultimate vision for AdaraNewborn is global. Your investment will support a model with international applicability.
Our solution: AdaraNewborn
AdaraNewborn spans the continuum of care, supporting mothers and newborns from pregnancy through to their return home after birth.
It provides health workers with training and mentorship; strengthens leadership and governance in the health system; equips facilities with the tools to succeed; and focuses on quality improvement systems. This creates sustainable systems change, saving lives now and reducing maternal and newborn deaths into the future.
Together, we can change the story for mothers and babies. Join us to save 7,000 lives and reach 500,000 women and children.
Esther’s Story
When Esther arrived at her local health clinic to give birth to twins while only six months pregnant, she found a complete lack of equipment to care for premature babies. A health worker referred her immediately to AdaraNewborn site, Kiwoko Hospital.
Throughout Uganda, Kiwoko is known for the quality care it provides to women and newborns. With a country-leading neonatal intensive care unit (NICU), it’s a source of hope for countless families.
After arriving at Kiwoko, Esther safely gave birth. Her twins were then admitted to the NICU.
“This NICU has greatly helped us,” Esther says. “I was so excited when I was admitted here. It meant my babies could be put in incubators to mature. I wanted my babies to survive.”
And not only did Esther’s twins survive but now they’re thriving.
Through AdaraNewborn, we’re not only sustaining Kiwoko as a Centre of Excellence but also strengthening maternal and newborn care in surrounding facilities. This will uplift the quality of care across Uganda, creating more stories of change like that of Esther and her babies.
Please join us to create a world where every woman can give birth safely, every newborn receives the right care at the right time and every child survives and thrives.
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If you wish to make a donation to one of our entities directly, please contact us on
For donations in AUD:
Adara Development (Australia) is a registered Australian charity, (ABN) 78 131 310 355. All donations to Adara Overseas Development Aid Fund over $2 are tax deductible.
For donations in GBP and EUR:
Adara Development (UK) is a registered UK charity (Charity No: 1098152). Read our Gift Aid declaration here.
For donations in USD and other currencies:
Adara Development (USA) is registered with the Internal Revenue Service as a 501(c)(3) organisation (Federal Tax ID: 98-0634789). Our US State Fundraising Disclosures are available here.
For Bermuda donors:
Adara Development (Bermuda) is a registered charitable trust in Bermuda (No. 508). Adara Development (Bermuda) does not accept credit card payments so your donation will be paid to Adara Development (USA). Should you prefer your donation to be paid to Adara Development (Bermuda) directly, please contact us at